B&S Hydraulics have extensive Engineering experience in providing smart and economical solutions to varied applications in industries such as Mining, Rail, Construction, Industrial, Cotton and Marine as well as turnkey projects and packages. From designing reliable and efficient circuits for Power Units, Lubrication Systems, Cooling, Filtration and Condition Monitoring. Our focus is to providing the most suitable solution to confidently meet the requirements of our clients and avoid loss of productivity.
Evaluation of system function can be performed via Electronic Data Acquisition to identify potential improvements in the systems cycle and identify underlying risks that can be addressed before damage occurs.
Our qualified staff are issued with the latest diagnostic equipment to provide prompt and accurate diagnosis which can save on costly downtime, combined with a fully equipped workshop to handle any size job. Our intention is to not just repair the item at hand but to have our customer’s best interest in mind and investigate and provide information and reports which will result in preventing further or future failures.